Scientific journal «Cognitive Sciences in the Information Society»


2021, Vol. 1, Iss. 3. - go to content...

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Smirnovskaya P.Yu. The problem of harassment in modern society. Cognitive Sciences in the Information Society. 2021; (3). Available at: (in Russian).

The problem of harassment in modern society

Smirnovskaya Polina Yurievna
Russian University of State for Social, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The issue discussed in the scientific article «The problem of harassment in modern society» is relevant and important, it is a short but sufficient question for understanding and debate. The problem of harassment plays a significant role in various areas of life. Many began to actively raise the topic of harassment in 2017, when there was a loud scandal with the American film producer, Oscar winner — Harvey Weinstein. Women who had been silent for years now spoke up for decades and began to make allegations of harassment and rape in public. It turned out that more than ten affected ladies were afraid to talk about what had happened out loud because of an influential producer. However, in 2020, Weinstein was sentenced to 23 years in prison and this influenced the active development of the topic of harassment in modern society. The aims of this work are a comprehensive author’s study of the problem of harassment around the world. Identification of the reasons for the manifestation of various forms of harassment in society. In the process of studying the problem of harassment in modern society, methods of logical and statistical analysis were used. The problem of harassment exists all over the world and in each country the fight against it is carried out in different ways and at different levels. Somewhere this topic is strongly raised and everyone is talking about it, but somewhere the society prefers to remain silent about the problems. When identifying the reasons for the manifestation of various forms of harassment in modern society, it was concluded that the reasons are mainly the presence of power and leverage on the part of the aggressor, the ability to blackmail and manipulate the victim.

Keywords: harassment; exaction; victim; society; aggressor; violence; opposition

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