2023, Vol. 3, Iss. 1. - go to content...
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Gubaidulin R.N. Directions in the study of instruments of social and political balance. Cognitive Sciences in the Information Society. 2023; (1). Available at: https://knio.ru/PDF/05KN123.pdf (in Russian).
Directions in the study of instruments of social and political balance
Gubaidulin Ruslan Nailevich
Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: ruslan.gubaydulin@gmail.com
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the main directions in the study of the instruments of social and political equilibrium. By equilibrium in the article is meant a situation in which, with external conditions and parameters unchanged, none of the participants in the sociopolitical process has an incentive to change behavior and the concept of development. In other words, the article is about a toolkit, during the application of which the equality of needs of society and proposals of political structures operating in this society is considered as an ideal basic model. It is emphasized that on the basis of this enlarged abstraction researchers build theories of social and political equilibrium mechanisms. The analysis of directions in the study of instruments of social and political equilibrium implies the study of its reverse side, i.e. social and political imbalance, so to speak. It is noted that the category of «imbalance» gives researchers the opportunity to derive the basis for the methodology of analysis and assessment of imbalance mechanisms in the socio-political system, which are significant threats to the entire complex of socio-political security in the country. The common place of the analysis of directions in the study of instruments of social and political equilibrium in this article is the statement that the category of «imbalance» allows practically in every direction under study to develop a set of practical proposals for overcoming the imbalance of the socio-political system and eliminating its consequences. In the article the directions in the study of instruments of social and political equilibrium are presented by the positions of a number of traditional scientific schools, first of all — foreign (Western) and domestic. The similarities and differences in the positions of these schools are emphasized. The article also assesses the existing trends in the study of instruments of social and political balance in terms of their practical application in modern Russia.
Keywords: social balance; political balance; social imbalance; political imbalance; tools; mechanisms; regulation
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
ISSN 2782-5345 (Online)
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