2021, Vol. 1, Iss. 3. - go to content...
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For citation:
Vasilʹchenko P.R. Main types and channels of intracorporate communication. Cognitive Sciences in the Information Society. 2021; (3). Available at: https://knio.ru/PDF/02KN321.pdf (in Russian).
Main types and channels of intracorporate communication
Vasilʹchenko Polina Romanovna
Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: polia.vasilchenko@yandex.ru
Abstract. The issue raised in the scientific article «The main types and channels of intracorporate communication» is relevant and topical, it is a short but sufficient question for understanding and debate. This work has a descriptive character, in which the author summarizes the current state of the current state of affairs, analyzes the conceptual approaches and conceptual discourse in the development of intracorporate communication. This article discusses the main types and channels of intracorporate communication. Internal corporate communication is an important element for the successful functioning of any enterprise, it is aimed at ensuring effective interaction between employees and management, increasing their motivation and productivity. The article considers such types of intra-corporate communication as vertical, horizontal, diagonal and external communication, as well as various channels for its implementation, including a personal meeting, e-mail, an internal corporate portal, Internet conferences, a corporate newspaper, etc. The article also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each type and channel of intracorporate communication and recommendations for their use to improve the efficiency of interaction within the enterprise. The personal position of researchers regarding the phenomenon under study is expressed, scientific tasks are formulated for further disclosure of the raised research topic. The results of the research conducted by the authors emphasize the need for constant work on improving intra-corporate communication in order to achieve success in modern business. The conclusions made by the author and the proposals formulated in the work will help to compare the overall picture of the object of study under study in the future, which will help in the future to determine the tasks and develop tools for conducting quantitative and qualitative empirical research.
Keywords: communication; intracorporate communication; classification; type; attribute; employees; analysis
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
ISSN 2782-5345 (Online)
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